sopass command line password manager

2025-03-02 11:26

Table of Contents

1 Introduction

sopass manages passwords on the command line using the stateless OpenPGP interface (SOP) for encryption. It is a re-interpretation of the concept championed by pass, but using SOP. It does not try to be compatible with pass, only to fit in the same ecological niche.

pass, also known as "passwordstore" and described as "the standard unix password manager" is a command line password manager that uses GnuPG for encryption. sopass prefers SOP to avoid a lock-in to a specific implementation.

1.1 Example

This section gives a taste of using sopass. We first initialize the password store. This creates an empty store as ~/.local/state/sopass/passwords.sopass, and also copies the key file to that directory so that later invocations of sopass find it.

$ sopass init --name mine --key my-openpgpg.key

We can now add a value and show it.

$ echo my secret password | sopass value add --text my/password
$ sopass value show my/password
my secret password

We can list all passwords in the store.

$ sopass value list

Finally, we can remove a value.

$ sopass value remove my/password
$ sopass value list

2 Software architecture

sopass is a command line tool that runs a SOP implementation as a sub-process, but does not otherwise interact with other software. It stores key/value pairs in a password store, which is a JSON file that has been encrypted with OpenPGP using an implementation of the SOP interface. The clear text data is never stored on persistently. The OpenPGP key is stored next to the encrypted store. Whenever data is accessed, the store is decrypted using the key. Whenever data is modified, the store is re-encrypted using the key.

Some justifications for the architecture:

  • "command line tool"
    • this is inherent in the purpose of the tool
  • "SOP as a sub-process"
    • we want to avoid locking in the user of sopass to a specific implementation of cryptography, so we use the SOP interface to access the implementation we use
  • "does not interact with other software"
    • there is no daemon, background process, online service, or other subsystem that sopass uses, because we want to keep it simple to deploy: only the sopass binary, the store file and the OpenPGP key are needed
  • "JSON"
    • JSON is flexible, well understood, widely supported, and quite sufficient for this use
    • JSON is not great at storing large amounts of binary data, but we don't expect sopass to need to do that; if such a need arises later, it's easy enough to change the clear text format to anything supported by the Rust serde ecosystem
  • "OpenPGP"
    • OpenPGP is criticized and debated, but works well enough, and the SOP interface makes it easy to use
    • we don't expect to change away from OpenPGP or SOP
  • "key stored next to store"
    • this is simplicity for user: the statelessness of SOP means the key location needs to be specified explicitly, and it isn't implicit the way GnuPG does; this is a big part of why SOP is nicer to use from other programs than GnuPG is
  • "never stored persistently"
    • this reduces the likelihood of accidentally leaking secrets in clear text
    • sopass exchanges data with the SOP implementation via Unix pipes

Some compromises made at this stage development:

  • keys without passphrases
    • it's simpler to deal with such keys, as it avoids needing machinery to ask the user for a passphrase
    • this will change, as it's obviously an unacceptable compromise
    • we also aim to support keys backed by hardware modules such as trusted platform or OpenPGP cards
  • store is only encrypted
    • this is for simplicity
    • we will change this so that the store is also always signed so
  • single encryption key
    • for simplicity
    • we will change this so that the store will store all the certificates that it should be encrypted for, similar to the .gpg-id file in the pass store
  • no Git support
    • we will add support to automatically commit a modified store to Git, if the store directory is version controlled with Git; this is similar to what pass does
    • we will also make it easy to manage the Git repository via sopass to mimic pass more
  • no configuration file
    • this is temporary, for simplicity
    • we will add a configuration file to specify things like store and key location

3 Acceptance criteria

This chapter documents explicit acceptance criteria for sopass, and how we verify that the implementation meets them. The verification is done using "scenarios", and the Subplot software turns those into executable code. Running the code verifies the implementation.

3.1 Data files

3.1.1 Pre-generated keys

This is a pre-generated key. We want to avoid generating a new key for each test run, for speed.



This is a second pre-generated key.

Comment: BC2B ADD9 3C89 D080 8E98  5A1F 8962 5382 6F49 4D3A


The certificate extracted from other.key:

Comment: BC2B ADD9 3C89 D080 8E98  5A1F 8962 5382 6F49 4D3A


3.2 Reports its version

Want: The sopass program reports its version when requested, and it's in the format used my semantic versioning.

Why: This is partly a smoke test: if this doesn't work, we can't expect anything else to work either. But it's also useful in situations when someone else is using sopass and we want to know what version they have.

Common current Unix practice is to have a --version option, so we support that, but we also support a version subcommand, as we have an interface based on subcommands.

given an installed sopass
when I run sopass --version
then stdout matches regex ^sopass \d+\.\d+\.\d+$
when I run sopass version
then stdout matches regex ^sopass \d+\.\d+\.\d+$

3.3 Reports a default configuration

Want: The sopass program reports its default configuration when requested.

Why: This is useful so that users can see what the configuration is, even if they haven't set on themselves.

given an installed sopass
when I run sopass config
then stdout contains ""store": "/"
then stdout contains ""sop": ""
then stdout contains ""key_file": ""
then file .config/sopass/sopass.yml does not exist

3.4 Loads default configuration file

Want: The sopass program loads its default configuration when it exists.

Why: This is useful so that users don't need to always specify which configuration file to use.

given an installed sopass
given file .config/sopass/sopass.yml from default.yaml
when I run env HOME=. sopass config
then stdout contains ""store": "/over/the/rainbow""
store: /over/the/rainbow

3.5 Loads specified configuration file

Want: The sopass program loads a configuration file requested by user.

Why: This is useful so that user can use a non-default configuration file.

given an installed sopass
when I try to run sopass --config custom.yaml config
then command fails
then stderr contains "custom.yaml"
given file custom.yaml
when I run sopass --config custom.yaml config
then stdout contains ""sop": "soppy""
sop: soppy

3.6 Initializes the password store

Want: The program initializes the password store.

Why: This is fundamental to how we want the software to be used.

given an installed sopass
given file my.key
then directory xyzzy does not exist
when I run sopass --store xyzzy init --name primary --key my.key
then file xyzzy/values.sopass exists

3.7 Manages values

Want: The user can add and remove a value and list all values.

Why: This is fundamental for the purpose of the software.

given an installed sopass
given file my.key
when I run sopass --store xyzzy init --name primary --key my.key
when I run sopass --store xyzzy value list
then stdout is exactly ""
when I run sopass --store xyzzy value add foo bar
when I run sopass --store xyzzy value list
then stdout is exactly "foo "
when I run sopass --store xyzzy value show foo
then stdout is exactly "bar "
when I run sopass --store xyzzy value remove foo
when I run sopass --store xyzzy value list
then stdout is exactly ""
given file value.dat
when I run sopass --store xyzzy value add foo --file value.dat
when I run sopass --store xyzzy value list
then stdout is exactly "foo "
when I run sopass --store xyzzy value show foo
then stdout is exactly "bar "
when I run sopass --store xyzzy value remove foo
then stdout is exactly ""
given file
when I run sh
when I run sopass --store xyzzy value list
then stdout is exactly "foo "
when I run sopass --store xyzzy value show foo
then stdout is exactly "bar "
when I run sopass --store xyzzy value remove foo
then stdout is exactly ""
set -x
cat value.dat
ls -l value.dat
sopass --store xyzzy value add foo --stdin < value.dat

3.8 Showing value that does not exist fails

What: Trying to show a value that does not exist in the store fails.

Why: If the command doesn't fail, the user may think the value is the empty string.

given an installed sopass
given file my.key
when I run sopass --store xyzzy init --name primary --key my.key
when I try to run sopass --store xyzzy value show foo
then command fails
then stderr contains "foo"
then stdout is exactly ""

3.9 Renames values

Want: The user can rename a value.

Why: This is very handy.

given an installed sopass
given file my.key
when I run sopass --store xyzzy init --name primary --key my.key
when I run sopass --store xyzzy value add foo bar
when I run sopass --store xyzzy value add foobar bar
when I try to run sopass --store xyzzy value rename ghost yo
then command fails
then stderr contains "ghost"
when I try to run sopass --store xyzzy value rename foo foobar
then command fails
then stderr contains "foobar"
when I run sopass --store xyzzy value rename foo yo
when I run sopass --store xyzzy value list
then stdout is exactly "foobar yo "

3.10 Manages certificates

Want: The password store contains certificates for which to encrypt.

Why: This allows the store to be shared between devices without sharing the encryption key.

given an installed sopass
given file my.key
given file other.key
given file other.cert
when I run sopass --store xyzzy init --name primary --key my.key
when I run sopass --store xyzzy cert list
then stdout is exactly "primary "
when I run sopass --store xyzzy cert add --name secondary --cert other.cert
when I run sopass --store xyzzy cert list
then stdout contains "primary"
then stdout contains "secondary"
when I run mv other.key xyzzy/default.key
when I run rm my.key
when I run sopass --store xyzzy cert list
then stdout contains "primary"
then stdout contains "secondary"